Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014

My Mini Theater

Morning alarm bell is ringing,

A chill Saturday morning greets me up from my weirdo dream.

Black shiny scorpion walked into a man-hole sewer

After took a string from someone’s soul. Left the one weary, empty eyes looking up the window without a soul.

It’s like a transparent light and long string, that the scorpion takes.

Then it runs faster into the edge of the sewer, plunges itself into a deepen blue ocean which surrounded by lots of jelly fish.

A beautiful yet a horrify moment under the water.

Then a solitude plays its song, and the string begins to spread, form into a creation resemble to the taken soul.

Under the blue deep water, where all the mysteries untold, the black shiny scorpion, somehow reminds me of a human creation. It should be a wonderful process that we should notice.

I woke up this Saturday morning and realized certain thing that I love.

My subconscious mind could produce such a mini theater and that’s so entertaining, I can spend my money less.

Have a pleasant day, wishful a great movie tonight :D

*9 Agustus 2014 @EF Class

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